Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Thoughts on my prodigal daughter

Some I am sure will accuse me of being harsh and uncaring. Others will accuse me of being too lenient and procrastinating in the actions that should have been taken months ago. However, I have determined that my daughter can no longer stay under my roof and in my care. The reasons for this decision are multiple but can be simplified as that she has chosen to live a life that is morally contrary to the Biblical pattern for a christian woman. Because of this, I believe that I am obligated by God and my responsibility to my other children to force her to leave.

It is not as though she has not been taught the right way. Her mother and I are christians and believe the Bible whole-heartedly. We have endeavored to teach our children that in order to have God's blessings on their lives they need to practice what God teaches is the proper way to live. My daughter knows the verses as she has been exposed to them all of her life. She can debate technical theological issues with any preacher with insite and cunning. The sad thing is she always takes a liberal view on just about every subject. I have determined that as the Scripture says, "knowledge puffeth up", she has knowledge but not a desire to do what is right. I have taught in 2 Peter, chapter 1, that the reason we are to add virtue to our faith rather than going straight to knowledge is because we must first have the desire to do what is right before being taught what is right. Otherwise, we just become proud. I know in experience, on visitation we find some who are quite knowledgable about the Scriptures but believe strange, even bizarre, doctrines. I just never wanted to believe that my daughter would follow that path.

It is true that in my own heart, when I have strayed from a proper relationship with God, that I find myself not wanting to get into the Bible. It is easier to avoid the truth than to face it head on. I can only assume that this is what is happening with my daughter. So the question is what to do?

Some will say that a Christian parent should always be there for their children. I agree! What, however, is the definition of being there for your children? Is it turning a blind eye to their activities and maintaining the status quo in the home? Is it continually begging, pleading, berating and bribing them to do the right thing, all the while they continue to live in the same rebellious way indefinitely? Isn't that the sin of Eli in the Old Testament, who admonished his sons but did not restrain them from their actions. Clearly God expects me to do something to prevent continued disobedience.

What should be done then to an eighteen-year-old woman who refuses to do what God clearly wants her to do? As I search the Scripture I find only the example of the prodigal to guide me. She must leave my house and find out through experience that God's ways are best.

There are certainly differences in my circumstances than that shown in the Bible. First, my daughter will not recieve an inheritance from me. I am broke. I have no resources that I can divide up to give to my daughter. The only thing I can do is help her get established in her own home and try to give her as much advice on how to survive as I can. I am sure some will say that I am giving her too much. Perhaps, but in truth, I want my daughter to thrive... I just want her to live for God. Besides, I know that she will never thrive without God's blessings.

Another difference is that she is not going to go to a "far country". At least not yet. She will feel like she is in another country as I am refusing to aid her after she has left. She will not receive any "bailout" money from us. She will be totally on her own. After a while, she may drop off of our radar for a while, which is scary; but I trust God will keep his eye on her during that time.

Which, I guess, is the real issue here. Do I trust God enough to take care of my daughter? Do I believe that He will allow her to go to the depths of the "pigpen" and bring her back. Can I deliver my daughter "unto satan for the destruction of the flesh" with the goal that "the spirit may be saved"? Isn't that what pastors do to church members who stray into unrepentant sin? Doesn't God do this with His own children who refuse to repent?

I am sure that I can look back at my life and find many reasons that my daughter has decided to walk this path. I am sure that I can drown myself in regret and self recrimination until my sanity leaves me and I perish in grief. Do these things negate my daughter's responsibility to do what is right?

So my daughter leaves my house and my care September 15th. In going I entrust her to God and His mercy. I know she will have difficult times, but I trust they will bring her back to God. I look forward to the day when, like the prodigal's father, I can see her returning. I look forward to the time when I can comfort her as those in Corinth comforted the one who was delivered unto satan. If she must eat with the swine in order to return to Christ, I hope she gets her fill.

Monday, August 23, 2010

25 Reasons I Love the Lord

Since this is my 25th year to be saved, I wrote down 25 reasons why I love Him the Lord:

1. He is Patient.
2. He is my guide.
3. He is my friend.
4. He is my constant companion.
5. He loves me in spite of my own failings.
6. He grants me good things in life.
7. He allows me to serve Him.
8. He uses me some times to glorify His name.
9. He never changes.
10. He speaks to me in the quiet times of life.
11. When times are hard, he helps me through.
12. He many times, gives me things I didn't know I needed.
13. He doesn't give up on me, even when I give up on myself.
14. He gives me understanding through His word.
15. He gives me hope through His promises.
16. He provides for me and my family.
17. He inspires me to be better.
18. He is the song in my heart.
19. He gives me joy in life.
20. He gives me an example to follow.
21. He is inexhaustable in His character.
22. He loves me.
23. He died for me.
24. He intercedes for me.
25. He wants to be with me forever.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I. What: prayer is asking, seeking and knocking

A. Asking and receiving - prayer according to the revealed will of God I John 5:14, 15

B. Seeking and finding - prayer according to the unrevealed will of God Jeremiah 29:12, 13 and Psalm 27:8

C. Knocking and opening - tenacious prayer, Matthew 17:14-21 (when God's will and your way is blocked by an obstacle)

II. Why: why should we pray?

A. Prayer is a command Luke 18:1, I Thes. 5:17

B. Jesus is our example throughout the NT

C. Prayers gets things from God, James 4:2

D. Brings joy, John 16:24

E. Delivers from troubles, Ps. 34:6

F. Brings wisdom, James 1:5

G. Sin not to pray, I Samuel 12:23 Pastor Bruce D. Cummons - "the greatest sin today in the ministry is prayerlessness".

H. Saves from Temptation, Matt. 26:41

III. How: how to pray

A. To God the Father in Jesus' Name, John 14:13, 14, by the Holy Spirit, Romans 8:26, 27; Jude 1:20

B. For God's will, Matt. 26:39

C. Daily needs

D. Forgiveness

E. Deliverance from evil

F. In faith, James 1:6-8

IV. Where: where to pray, Acts 12:5

A. In the assembly, Acts 1:13, 14 and Acts 2:42-47

B. In the closet, Matthew 6:6

V. Hindrances to prayer

A. I Peter 3:7, bad relationship with spouse

B. Selfishness, James 4:3

C. Unforgiving spirit, Matthew 5:22, 24

D. Unbelief, James 1:6-8